Jor-El:"This is no careless product of wild imagination. No, my good friends. These indictments that I have brought you today...the specific charges listed herein against the individuals...their acts of treason, their ultimate aim of sedition. (lifts up his crystal staff) These are matters of undeniable fact. I ask you now to pronounce judgment on those accused: on this (referring to Non)...this mindless aberration, whose only means of expression are wanton violence and destruction. On the"
Council Member #1:"Guilty!"
Council Member #2:"Guilty!"
Council Member #3:"Guilty!"
Council Member #4:"Guilty."
General Zod:"The vote must be unanimous, Jor-El. It has therefore now become your decision. You alone will condemn us, if you wish, and you alone will be held responsible by me. (Jor-El signals the Phantom Zone) Join us. You have been known to disagree with the Council before. Yours could become an important voice in the new order, second only to my own! I offer you a chance for greatness, Jor-El! Take it! Join us! You will bow down before me, Jor-El! I swear it! No matter that it takes an eternity! YOU WILL"