Freaky Friday
Release: August 01, 2003

Anna Coleman is your average teenage rebel who is constantly annoyed by her mother Tess and her older brother. Anna is in a rock band, much to her mom's objection, and Tess is about to marry her longtime boyfriend Ryan, which Anna remains unprepared for due to her father's passing a few years ago. Not to mention Anna having to put up with her school rival Stacey Hinkhouse and a teacher who constantly fails her despite Anna's good academic performance. One night at a Chinese restaurant Tess and Anna have an argument after Tess refuses to let her play in a gig on the night of her wedding rehearsal. They soon each receive magical fortune cookies which wind up switching their bodies and their roles. They can only switch back after they can spend a day learning to understand each other.

Tess: "I don't believe in physical contact with the opposite sex. At all. Ever. Nothing,"
Added By: funguy10
Evan: "I told you I wouldn't be able to call you on your honeymoon, but you lied to me. You're a liar!"
Added By: funguy10
Pei-Pei: "Sexy new look for you, Mrs. Coleman! You look hot!"
Added By: funguy10
Anna: "Halibut? Eww! That's disgusting! What kind of caterer ARE you?"
Added By: funguy10
Tess: "Privacy is a privilege, Anna."
Added By: funguy10
Tess: "She is dead, worse than dead. She will spend the next year in a phoneless, dateless, Amish existence!"
Added By: funguy10
Peg: "Aren't you like the maid of horror or something?"
Added By: funguy10
Anna: "You're ruining my life!"
Added By: funguy10
Jake: "Yesterday was freaky."
Added By: funguy10
Anna: "Darling. Could you, like, chill for a sec?"
Added By: funguy10
Anna: "Root canal? That's not fair, they're not my teeth."
Added By: funguy10
Anna: "I'm old!"
Tess: "I beg your pardon!"
Anna: "Oh, I'm like the Cryptkeeper!"
Added By: funguy10
Anna: "Like cooking: I mean, have you never heard of takeout? And cleaning: let's don't and say we did. Quality time with your kids: You know what? Quit bugging 'em. Leave 'em alone. They like it!"
Added By: funguy10
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