"Shut up and take my money!"
"Bite my shiny, metal ass!"
"Bite my shiny metal ass!
"Cool, just like in Star Tre--(door closes on him)OW!
"If anyone needs me i'll be in the angry dome. OOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
"That's the saltiest thing I ever tasted, and I once ate a big heaping bowl of salt.
"Were you just singing?"
"No I was telling you not to worry. I'm not allowed to sing... court order
Zapp Brannigan/Kif:
"Watch out! I happen to have a very SEXY learning disorder. What do I call it, Kif?" "*sigh* Sex-lexsyia.
-Zapp Brannigan/Kif"
Zapp Branigann:
"I have mated with a women! Inform the crew!
-Zapp Branigann"
amy, farnsworth, leela, hermes, bender, fry:
"amy : he knows when you are sleeping
fansworth: he knows when youre on the can
leela: he'll freaking blow your naughty ass from here to pakistan
hermes: you better not sleep, you better not move
bender: you're better off dead, im telling you
-amy, farnsworth, leela, hermes, bender, fry"
"Hello? Pizza delivery for…
[reading note] "I.C. Weiner"? Crud.
I always thought by this time in my life I'd be the one making the crank calls."
professor farnsworth:
"pine trees have been extinct for over 800 years, fry yes, gone the way of the poodle and your primitive notions of modesty (takes off bathrobe) ahhhhhhh....brisk
-professor farnsworth"
"[The Professor shows Fry a large egg like pill] You want me to swallow that?!"
Professor Fransworth:
"Good news! It's a suppository!"
Fry and Leela, wondering what' Slurm's secret ingredient is:
"My God! What if the secret ingerdient is..people?? No, there's already a soda like that; Soylent Cola. How is it? It varies from person to person.
-Fry and Leela, wondering what' Slurm's secret ingredient is"
"So anyway, who are you people? Haven't I seen you in some copyrighted movie?
"[after being kicked out of a theme park] Yeah... well, I'm gonna go build my own theme park! With blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the park!
"Let's face it, we're in hot butter here.
Leela's dad:
"No beer until you finish your tequila young lady!
-Leela's dad"
"[taps her heels 3 times] There's no place like…
I wanna be the Wicked Witch of the West!"