It Takes Two
Release: November 17, 1995

Two girls that happen to look identical meet by chance one day at summer camp. One is an orphan, and the other a wealthy heiress. When they realize their respective parents are looking for a date, they decide to act as their official matchmakers.

Roger: "Clarice! Your hair! I mean you're here!"
Added By: funguy10
Radio Annoucner: "Lots of tie-ups this mornin'. It's 20 minutes for the Lincoln, 10 for the Holland. The B.Q.E. is backed up for about 2 miles, and if you're takin' the Van Wyck, better allow an extra 15. Whateva ya do, stay outta midtown. It's gonna be wall-to-wall limos as socialite Clarice Kensington finally lands her man!"
Added By: funguy10
Roger: "I don't know what's more bruised, my butt or my ego."
Added By: funguy10
Alyssa: "I've lost my mother, now I've lost my father! I have no family. I'm an orphan, and I'm running away, so don't you dare tell Daddy!"
Added By: funguy10
Diane: "I must be crazy. But I'm not goin' in that church. No matter what happens, I am NOT goin' in that church!"
Added By: funguy10
Roger: "I made my money the old-fashioned way - pure dumb luck."
Added By: funguy10
Diane: "Bad sense of direction."
Added By: funguy10
Amanda: "This orphan stuff is like growing up in the dog-pound. Everybody wants a puppy."
Added By: funguy10
Diane: "You should really put iodine on your butt... cut."
Added By: funguy10
Roger: "Do you think maybe my daughter's asking for a little attention?"
Vincenzo: "I'd say she's demanding it"
Added By: funguy10
Diane: "Sorry to ruin your wedding. I just didn't want the wrong girl going down the aisle. I mean the wrong flower girl."
Roger: "I think you had it right the first time."
Added By: funguy10
Amanda: "All this money and these people eat slugs?"
Added By: funguy10
Diane: "You know, I really thought it was that can't-eat, can't-sleep, reach-for-the-stars, over- the-fence, World Series kind of stuff."
Added By: funguy10
Vincenzo (turning off the radio): "What in the name of God is going on here?"
Amanda (nervous): "Oh... uhhh... hi Vinny, I mean Vincenzo. I, uh, got distracted."
Vincenzo: "Oh, you don't have to apologize."
Amanda: "Really?"
Vincenzo: "Mm-hmm."
Amanda: "Cool. I mean, I'm just so terribly relieved that you aren't... pissed."
Vincenzo: "Ohh." (surprised) "Pissed, miss? (Amanda realizes her faux pas.)"
Vincenzo: "(to Amanda)"
Diane Barrows: "Sorry to ruin your wedding. I just didn't want the wrong girl going down the aisle. I mean the wrong flower girl."
Roger Callaway: "I think you had it right the first time."
Clarice: "I have never been more humiliated in my life!"
Alyssa: "Want a bet? (she steps on the dress and it rips off clarice)"
-Amanda: "Putter names amanda!"
Diana: "Gum.... Other Gum!"
Amanda: "Yeah right, and Santa Claus lives with the tooth fairy in Queens."
Diane: "Guys like him like girls with food names like Cookie or Muffin or Candy, not girls like me."
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