Mulan (1998) Trailer
"Now Available on VHS and DVD [2/1]" GCC song: "A Girl Worth Fighting For" (SaSwTigger 3/7/00 VHS)
More Mulan (1998) Trailers
"Coming to Disney DVD 10/'04 [10/26]" 2-Disc SE trailer ('DP:PS-v1' 9/7/04 ...
"Coming to Video 2/2/1999" spot ('TLK-II:S'sP' 10/27/98 VHS)
"Now Available on VHS and DVD [2/1]" GCC song: "A Girl Worth Fighting For" ...
.15 Disney/NewKidCo's official Story Studio for Playstation spot ('99; CN [...
McDonald's Chicken McNuggets w/ Szechuan sauce spot ("Only in theatres [6/1...