Release: July 23, 1982

"A teenager science-nerd gains telekinetic powers." Barney Springboro gain telekinetic powers after a accident in the science lab. hi-jinks ensue when teamed with his best friend Peyton Nichols.

Walter Coolidge: "Dexter, do you have your pass key on you?"
Dexter: "Sure do, Mr. C. What do you need?"
Walter Coolidge: "My key doesn't seem to work in this lock."
Dexter: "We all seem to have that same problem sometimes, now don't we?"
Added By: funguy10
Dexter: "Alan, take your finger outta your nose. What'd I tell you about that shit? Now suck it!"
Added By: funguy10
Jane: "Who are you going to the prom with, Barney? Why don't you go with one of your mice friends?"
Added By: funguy10
Walter Coolidge: "Dexter, keep this to yourself, okay?"
Dexter Jones: "Always do! I got a file in my head two feet thick 'bout a WHOLE lotta things you do that I keep to myself."
Added By: funguy10
Rose: "But there was marijuana there! I saw it!"
Walter Coolidge: "I think you smoked it, Miss Bernhardt."
Added By: funguy10
Dexter: "Mr. Einstein! I'm feeling strange. Someone's putting some shit on my mind."
Einstein: "Sounds like too many chili dogs, Dex. Have to learn to relax!"
Added By: funguy10
Payton: "So how does the world look through cracked glasses?"
Bernadette: "Cracked."
Added By: funguy10
Peyton: "Barn, sometimes life is like an onion. When you peel it, it makes you cry."
Added By: funguy10
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