Bad Baby
Release: April 06, 1997

Let's get one thing straight. Eubie Goode doesn't take no for an answer. Famous from his long-running comic strip in Parents Magazine and soon to be star of his own animated telefeature, this two-year-old is a true toddler tornado. For the moment, Eubie is content to rule his entire family in their typical suburban home. His mother, Gloria, has the patience of a saint as she balances two jobs-- aspiring pastry chef whose confections are invariably thwarted by Bad Baby's tampering, and chief wrangler of Bad Baby himself. Cornelius, Eubie's father, is a supermarket assistant-manager and usually the unintended victim of Eubie's escapades. Kelly, Eubie's six-year-old sister, is Eubie's misinformed teacher, occasional interpreter, and reluctant caretaker. Keep one thing in mind when you enter Eubie's world: if you're not part of the solution, you have a major "Bad Baby" problem on your hands. Approaching his second birthday, Baby is still quite a handful for his long-suffering sister and parents. He's very demanding, hard to put to sleep, and they can't take their eyes off him for a minute. Dad has as much trouble with his boss ignoring his ability in the supermarket where he's general manager, as with Baby creating a 99-cent sale for all stock. And Mum is trying to make a name for herself baking cakes, but Baby keeps adding "eccentric" ingredients to the mix! On top of all this, Baby's teddy-bear, Baba, goes missing, and everyone goes nuts trying to find it, then replace it, while not constantly reminding Baby of its absence...

YouTube Videos
Eubie Goode: "Baba!"
Added By: Clint_Olson
Eubie Goode: "WAKE UP!!!"
Added By: Clint_Olson
Gloria Goode: "EUBIE!"
Added By: Clint_Olson
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