If your like me and you are a child of the eighties you probably had a pretty good comic collection.A collection containing some great comics for a young boy to read such as Spider-man, X-Men, Batman, and many other great examples of amazing comics. But take a good look through your collection, I mean a really good look, and you are bound to find some comics that you'll have no idea how they got there or why you bought them. Above and below this paragraph are some great examples of the comics to treasure, and below them...... are the ones that have absolutely no place in a good collection.
My first example of nonsense from my personal collection is Cage, a jive-talking super hero who really doesn't accomplish anything in his first issue. He basically protects a union picket line and fights some wannabe super-villian transsexual, dressed in purple, who swings around some chains. Cage manages to dispatch of him by tearing a plane in half and running a jeep full of explosives into it, thus showing us why hes a super-hero.
This leads me to my second example of a comic which I have no idea why I would have and thats Zorro, number 9. Why would I have in my possession a Zorro comic. Well anyway in this issue Zorro does, I guess what he does, he blocks some daggers thrown at him. He protects the honor of a fair madden, and he beats up on some bad guys. Extremely boring and having no place in my collection. ( In case you were wondering yes he did block the dagger in the scene below).