Big Bunny
Debut: July 13, 2009
Ended: February 21, 2010

Big Bunny is web cartoon created by Amy Winfrey while she was a graduate student at UCLA. Winfrey voices all of the characters, except for the bunny who is voiced by Peter Merryman. Winfrey made seven episodes in 2001. (WIKIPEDIA)

YouTube Videos
Big Bunny: "Eat plenty of roast beef.. Or.. Try some lamb."
Added By: freelancepolicefanatic
Sam: "Red... Red... Red..."
Added By: freelancepolicefanatic
Big Bunny: "Red is a good color.... It is the color of red things..."
Added By: freelancepolicefanatic
Suzy: "Fine. If we get ripped apart by roaming wolverines, it's your fault."
Sam: "Yay."
Added By: freelancepolicefanatic
Suzy: "I don't think so. There's something strange about that giant pink rabbit... And besides-.. I'm watching this bug."
Lulu: "That's not a bug! It's just a rock with a stick stuck to it!"
Suzy: "Oh."
Added By: freelancepolicefanatic
Suzy: "There's something strange about that giant pink rabbit..."
Added By: freelancepolicefanatic
Big Bunny: "They took the Turnip Queen, the Turnip King's mistress, and the Turnip King's bastard son."
Added By: freelancepolicefanatic
Big Bunny: "Soon, she had her own pet hell hound.... which she traded for a hell hamster."
Added By: freelancepolicefanatic
Sam: "I want to sell my.. soul.."
Added By: freelancepolicefanatic
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