A Star is Born
Release: October 05, 2018

Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper sing in a duet, opposite Andrew Dice Clay, Anthony Ramos, with Dave Chappelle, and Sam Elliott. Cooper directs from the screenplay by Eric Roth and Cooper & Will Fetters; Based on the 1954 Transcona production and the 1976 First Artists/Barwood film; Original Story by William Wellman and Robert Carson. Produced by Bill Gerber, Jon Peters, Cooper, Todd Phillips and Lynette Howell Taylor; Executive Produced by Ravi Mehta, Basil Iwanyk, Niija Kuykendall, Sue Kroll, Michael Rapino and Heather Parry. All music was performed LIVE; including the Oscar®-winning duet "Shallow". A Jon Peters/Bill Gerber/Joint Effort production for Warner Bros. Pictures, with Live Nation Productions and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures.

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