The Incredibles
Release: October 27, 2004

In the past years, the world's superheroes have been forced to hide their superpowers and blend in as normal civilians. These include the Parr Family, Bob and Helen, both former supers and their kids, Violet and Dashiel(Dash), and toddler Jack-Jack. After losing his job, Bob gets a call to destroy a secret robot discovered by a research group. He later discovers that this is a plan by Syndrome, a supervillan and former fan of his that is mad for having shunned him and wants to kill the family before taking over the world. Winner of 10 '05 Annies and 2 '05 Oscars® for Animated Feature and Sound Editing. a BFI Film Festival '04 official selection. with the voices of Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Samuel L. Jackson, Jason Lee, Spencer Fox, Sarah Vowell, Elizabeth Pena, and Brad Bird... of course, John Ratzenberger delivers his ending line for another action to come. Written & Directed by Brad Bird. Produced by John Walker; Executive Producer: John Lasseter. Music by Michael Giacchino • Soundtrack and Storyteller available from Walt Disney Records. from Walt Disney Pictures, a Pixar Animation Studios film. General release: November 5, 2004 Approved [#41083]/rated PG for action violence. The term "Omnidroid", originated for use in the Star Wars IP, is used by permission of Lucasfilm, Ltd. © 2004 Disney Enterprises Inc./Pixar All rights reserved.

YouTube Videos
Dash: "Does this mean we have to move again?"
Added By: rgman1995swell
Bob Parr: "Well, what are you waiting for?"
Little Boy: "I don't know, something amazing, I guess."
Bob: "Me too, kid."
Added By: rgman1995swell
Police Officer: "Freeze!"
Lucas Best: "I'm thirsty."
Officer: "I SAID "Freeze!"."
Lucas: "I'm just getting a drink. [Lucas drinks water]"
Officer: "Ok. You had your drink. Now I want you to…"
Lucas: "I know, I know."
Frozone: "[Unleashing powers to freeze a officer as his gun shot] Freeze."
Added By: rgman1995swell
Added By: rgman1995swell
Mr. Huph: "I'm not happy Bob. NOT! HAPPY!"
Added By: rgman1995swell
Bob Parr: "Ice of you to drop by!"
Lucas Best: "Ha! Never heard that one before!"
Added By: rgman1995swell
Jack Jack: "Hello?"
Added By: rgman1995swell
Bob: "You want me to intervene? OK, I'm intervening!"
Added By: rgman1995swell
Lucas Best: "Honey?"
Lucas' Wife: "What?"
Lucas: "Where's my super suit?"
Wife: "What?!"
Wife: "I put it away."
Lucas: "What?!"
Wife: "Why do you need to know? Don't you think about running off and doing no dare do! We've been planning this dinner for two months!"
Lucas: "The public is in danger!"
Wife: "My evening is in danger!"
Lucas: "Tell me where my suit is, woman! We are talking about the greater good here!"
Wife: "Greater good?! I'm your wife! I'm the greatest good you're ever gonna get!"
Added By: rgman1995swell
Mr. Incredible: "Showtime!"
Added By: rgman1995swell
Dash: "Tony Rydinger!"
Violet: "Shut up!"
Dash: "Well you are."
Violet: "I said shut up you little insect!"
Dash: "Well, she is."
Helen: "Do not shout at the table! Honey!"
Bob: "Kids! Listen to your mother!"
Dash: "She would if we were having Tony Loaf"
Violet: "That's it!"
Added By: rgman1995swell
Bernie: "He moves, right there! Wait wait! Right THERE! Right as I am sitting down! I don't know how he does it, there's no tack on my stool before he moves, and when he moves there's a tack. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!"
Principal: "Uh, Bernie?"
Bernie: "Don't Bernie me, THIS LITTLE RAT IS GUILTY!!!"
Principal: "You and your son can go now Mrs. Parr, I'm sorry for the trouble."
Bernie: "You're letting him go again?! He's guilty! You can see it on his smug little face, he's guilty, I say guilty, guilty boy!"
Added By: rgman1995swell
Dash: "Hey, no force field!"
Violet: "You started it!"
Added By: rgman1995swell
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