Release: October 29, 1988

This is a film showing us through Michael Jackson's success since the beginning. But as the film goes on we find that he and his friends uncover a fiendish drug warlord (Joe Pesci) is trying to hook young children on drugs, but he is stopped by Michael's amazing ability to transform into a battle robot, a car, a spaceship, and take on other forms. This film was made to promote his 1987 hit album "Bad" showing some of the music videos including the incredible claymation "Speed Demon".

Mr. Big: "I want every kid in this whole world to take drugs because of me. Because of ME. I want everybody to know. Everybody."
Added By: funguy10
Mr. Big: "My name is gonna be in the history books. And they better spell my name right! L-I-D-E-O. So simple. Frankie LiDeo! Very easy!"
Added By: funguy10
Mr. Big: "Bugs and drugs. Bugs and drugs. Smooth operation, that's what I got. Smooth operation."
Added By: funguy10
Mr. Big: "You guys gotta get in the middle of the country. Get in the middle of the country there! Stop those kids from praying in school. First, I want you to hang around by playgrounds, I want you to hang around schoolyards."
Added By: funguy10
Zeke "Baby Bad" Michael: "I taught him everything he knows."
Added By: funguy10
Statue of Liberty: "Land of the free, home of the weird."
Added By: funguy10
Mr. Big: "Remember, a younger customer always turns into a loyal customer. Remember that! Remember that!"
Added By: funguy10
Michael: "Do it and you're dead."
Added By: funguy10
Steven Spielberg: "[when Michael accidentally runs in on his set] Cut! You hairball, I'll never finish this movie! Who let him in? Isn't anybody in charge? Don't you know ANYTHING about show business?"
Michael: "I'm sorry."
Steven Spielberg: "My producer is doing this to me, isn't he? I ask for a BAD guy and he gives me Michael Jackson? I can't take it anymore!"
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