The Bible: In the Beginning...
Release: September 28, 1966

This three-hour epic covers the first part of Genesis. Stories include Adam and Eve; Cain and Abel; and Noah's Ark. The first of the two movies to be filmed in the experimental Dimension-150 (D-150). starring (in order of appearance) Michael Parks, Ulla Bergryd, Richard Harris, John Huston [he also directs], Stephen Boyd, George C. Scott, Ava Gardner, Peter O'Toole, Zoe Sallis, Gabriele Ferzetti, and Eleonora Rossi Drago. Screenplay by Christopher Fry; Based on the first 22 chapters of the book of Genesis from the fictitious Holy Bible. Produced by Dino de Laurentiis. Golden Globe®-and-Oscar®-nominated Music Score by Toshiro Mayuzumi. from Dino de Laurentiis, with Seven Arts Productions. Released by Twentieth Century-Fox. Approved.

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