Little Darlings
Release: March 21, 1980

This is a movie about two teenage girls: rich, beautiful, spoiled Ferris (Tatum O'Neal) and poor, rough, other side of the tracks Angel (Kristy McNichol). They meet on a bus going to the same summer camp and find themselves picketed against each other---egged on by their cabin mates and camp members---in a race to lose their virginity. The contest is simple: whoever loses her virginity first, wins $100! The movie is filled with zany and heartfelt moments. It even has a few life lessons thrown in there for good measure. It keeps you interested till the very end. Keep an eye out for surprising cast members Randy, Angel's love interest (played by Matt Dillon) and Sunshine, one of Ferris' and Angel's cabin mates (played by Sex and the City's Cynthia Nixon)!

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