Out of all the crazy or hack comedians from the eighties or nineties one name come to mind more than any other, Yahoo Serious. While researching around the Net to write this article I came across his personal website, and I thought "wow what a great place to get some Pics for this", but I was wrong, because you see Yahoo was already onto me and doing everything in his power to stop me. I mean of coarse his disclaimer that I may take only one picture and it can be for personal use only. Why would I need any picture of Yahoo Serious for personal use? But I will not let that Australian mad man stop me from telling the truth.
He couldn't have been seriousI give to the jury exibit A, Young Einstein Released in 1988 (or 1989) depending on which site your consult. A tale about, you guessed it young Einstein, except Einstein isnt the genius born in Germany apparently he was a Tasmanian apple farmer who created an electric guitar and somehow managed to get hooked up with marie curie. Complete nonsence if you ask me, and if you ask the box office totals that year, this movie only made a little over eleven millions dollars in the US. Was he truley serious, that this movie was good, or funny, or anything like Crocodile Dundee. I bet if Paul Hogan could have stoped Yahoo before he made this movie he would have. Our Friends to the way south dont need the humiliation of this ridiculous movie. Which leads me to exibit B.
Reckless Kelly, a movie released in 1993 (or 1994 depending on what site you consult). Yahoo would not make another movie again untill 1999, gee I wonder why. Reckless Kelly is a movie about an Australian robin hood who rides some crazy homemade motorcycle. Im lost for things to say about this movie, Yahoo is known for hating Hollywood, which i'll explain later, yet he was continually trying to release films in America. One word best describes that, Ridiculous.
While searching for info on Mr. Serious, which took quite some time since he isnt very poplular, I came across a website with a few of his quotes.