This Disney television series follows a cartoon star's misadventures in the police department.
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Serbian intro
Hungarian intro
Norwegian intro
Bonkers Intro with Unrestored Colors
Bonkers Intro
Czech intro (title voice-over)
Czech credits
Polish credits
Long Russian credits were rewritten for each episode. This is another examp...
Long Russian credits
Super long Russian credits
PAL credits
Bonkers:"My life is my life! Gee, I was funny!
Bonkers:"There's only one rule to being a toon. Rule One:There are no rules!
Police Chief Leonard Kanifky and Fall-Apart Rabbit:"'This is a one way street!' 'I'm only going one way.'
-Police Chief Leonard Kanifky and Fall-Apart Rabbit"
Bonkers D. Bobcat and Detective Lucky Piquel:"Bonkers: Y'know, Lucky, I feel like this is the beginning out a beutiful partnership. Lucky: What are the causes of what I have just done?
-Bonkers D. Bobcat and Detective Lucky Piquel"