Since 1952, CBC has aired Hockey Night in Canada, a Canadian institution. The song is known to Canadians as "Canada's Second National Anthem".
The night starts off at 6:30 pm every Saturday (from October to June) with Saturday Night pregame show. Game 1 of NHL doubleheader is at 7pm and Game 2 of doubleheader is at 10pm, "Hockey Night in Canada After Hours" begins as soon as the second game is over.
During the Stanley Cup Playoffs, games featuring all Canadian teams are shown as far as they go in the tournment. All Semifinals(Conference Championships)and Cup Final matches are shown regardless if it an US or Canadian based team. Thousands of viewers at US Border towns such as Buffalo, Detroit and others with access to CBC via Cable/Salelite also watch.
The show in recent years is most famous for the "Coach's Corner' segment featuring HNIC Commentator and Former Boston Bruins Coach Don Cherry offering insights about both the game in progress and NHL headlines to Co-Host Ron Mclean. The Coach's segment usually right after the first period with extended versions during the Stanley Cup Finals.
For NHL hockey fans living outside of Canada, a must watch.