"Sisters, prepare thyselves. Tis a life force. The potion works. Take my hands, we will share her."
"It's all a bunch of Hocus Pocus!"
"Wench! (Winifred looks surprised) Trollop! You buck tooth, mouth rind, firefly from Hell!! (Winifred shrieks in outrage.) (to Max) I’ve waited centuries to say that."
"Say what you want, just don’t breath on me."
(A little trivia about this part:
"The original dialogue was a lot stronger, but Doug Jones (Billy) thought it was inappropriate for a children's movie, and had them change the lines to what is above.)"
Mary Sanderson:
"Allison Zenko:Oh listen to this only a circle of alt can protect thy victims from thy power
Uh-Oh Uh Bye-bye"
Sarah Sanderson:
"A muck a muck a muck"
"Go to Hell!"
"Oh, I've been there thank you.I found it quite lovely"
"Sisters, prepare thyselves.Tis a life force.The potoin works.Take my hands,we will share her."
Thackery Binx and Elijah:
"Thackery Binx: Emily? Emily! (Goes outside) Emily!
Elijah, Elijah! Has thee seen my siter Emily?
Elijah: Nay. But look! They conjure.
Thackery Binx: oh, God. The woods! Emily!
Elijah: Now she's done for.
Thackery Binx: Not yet! You wake my father,
-Thackery Binx and Elijah"
Emily and Zacchary Binks:
"Zacchary Binks, what took you so long?" "Sorry Emily, I had to wait years for a virgin to light a candle!
-Emily and Zacchary Binks"
Winifred and witches:
"Wini-Jump back, twist the bones and bend the back...
Witches- murmuring
Wini- Rid him of his baby fat
Wini-Make the furr black as black
-Winifred and witches"
"It's just a bunch of Hocus Pocus
Winifred Sanderson:
"Hello Salem, my name is Winifred what's yours?
-Winifred Sanderson"
"Book.....come home or make thyself know
Ice aka Ernie:
"Hey Hollywood
-Ice aka Ernie"
Dani Dennison:
"A Virgin lit the candle
-Dani Dennison"
Sister Mary:
"I smell children
-Sister Mary"
"(singing) Come little children. I'll take thee away. Into the Land of Enchantment. Come little children. The time's come to play here my Garden of Magic.