"A song from the heart beats the devil every time!
B.L. Zebubb:
"Well, I've learned my lesson. From now on, no more Mr. Nice Guy!
-B.L. Zebubb"
B.L. Zebubb:
"So, I gave you a chance, and you beat the devil!
-B.L. Zebubb"
B.L. Zebubb:
"That is a technicality. No one cheats the devil on a technicality!
-B.L. Zebubb"
"Come on, man. You can do it!
B.L. Zebubb:
"I call B.L. Zebubb, otherwise known as me!
-B.L. Zebubb"
B.L. Zebubb:
"If you lose, I get both of you!
-B.L. Zebubb"
B.L. Zebubb:
"Fair, schmair. Take it or leave it.
-B.L. Zebubb"
"I challenge the contract. I demand a trial!
B.L. Zebubb:
"She signed a contract. It's all down in red and white!
-B.L. Zebubb"
"It's almost midnight now, and you shouldn't be here when he comes!
B.L. Zebubb:
"We always use blood. It's more permanent [than ink].
-B.L. Zebubb"
"Can I trust you?
B.L. Zebubb:
"Take your time, read it all.
-B.L. Zebubb"
Wheeze Weasel:
"Fame, fortune, fans, gold records, concerts, world tours, your name in lights!
-Wheeze Weasel"
B.L. Zebubb:
"There's just one thing that might hold you back... if you don't want it badly enough!
-B.L. Zebubb"
"Can you really make me a star?
Wheeze Weasel:
"Fabulous! Fabulous! Love it, love it! You've done it again, B.L.!
-Wheeze Weasel"
B.L. Zebubb:
"I like your style. Too bad you're not a singer.
-B.L. Zebubb"
B.L. Zebubb:
"My card, pretty lady.
-B.L. Zebubb"