The Wolf of Wall Street
Release: December 25, 2013

This story recounts Jordan Belfort's career as a stockbroker in New York City and how his firm, Stratton Oakmont, engaged in rampant corruption and fraud on Wall Street, leading to his downfall. Nominated for 5 '14 Academy Awards for Best Actor (both lead & supportive), Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Director and Best Picture. starring Leonardo DiCaprio (in his '14 Golden Globe-winning performance), Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie, Matthew McConaughey, Kyle Chandler, Rob Reiner, Jon Bernthal, Jon Favreau, and Jean Dujardin. Martin Scorsese directs from the screenplay by Terence Winter; Based on the 2007 "Memoir" by Jordan Belfort for Bantam Books. Produced by Scorsese, DiCaprio, Riza Aziz, Joey McFarland and Emma Tillinger Koskoff; Executive Producers: Georgia Kacandes, Alexandra Milchan, Rick Yorn, Irwin Winkler, Danny Dimbort and Joel Gotler. Executive Music Producer: Robbie Robertson; Music Supervision by Randall Poster; featuring "The Money Chant" by Robbie Robertson featuring McConaughey • Soundtrack on Virgin. an Appian Way/Sikelia/Emjag production for Red Granite Pictures; Distributed by Paramount Pictures. Production Services by TWoWS, LLC.

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