King of Kings
Release: October 11, 1961

King of Kings is a 1961 American Biblical epic film made by Samuel Bronston Productions and distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Directed by Nicholas Ray, the film is a dramatization of the story of Jesus of Nazareth from his birth and ministry to his crucifixion and resurrection, with much dramatic license.

John the Baptist: "Take me. But, you cannot stop Him who comes after me."
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Pontius Pilate: "There are no such things as miracles. Only fools who believe in them."
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Narrator: "Trapped in this darkness, the Jews survived, by one promise: God would send a Messiah to deliver them forth."
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Jesus: "Blessed you are you, oh Master, Our King of the Universe that gives us the wine, fruit of the Vineyard. Take, drink, therefore this is my blood that will be spilled by many for the pardon of sins."
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Jesus: "Blessed you are you, oh Master, Our King of the Universe that gives us the bread, fruit of the Earth. Take, eat, therefore this is my body that will be given by you, do this in my memory."
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Jesus: "It is finished. Father, into your hands I commit my soul."
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Jesus: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
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Lucius: "Pilate offered that mob a choice."
Barabbas: "And they chose me?!"
Lucius: "Your followers yelled the loudest! Go; look at Him who is dying for you!"
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Lucius: "He is truly the Christ!"
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Lucius: "For some reason, I favored Your mother once before. I will give You a moment with the prisoner John. But remember this... break Caesar's law, and you shall find in me the most merciless of men."
Added By: funguy10
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