Uncle Drew is a 2018 American sports comedy film directed by Charles Stone III and written by Jay Longino. It stars Kyrie Irving as the title character from his Pepsi Max advertisements that began airing in 2012, along with former NBA players Shaquille O'Neal, Chris Webber, Aaron Gordon, Reggie Miller, and Nate Robinson, as well as former WNBA player Lisa Leslie. Lil Rel Howery, Erica Ash, J. B. Smoove, Mike Epps, Tiffany Haddish, and Nick Kroll also star.
Uncle Drew is the story of Irving's advertising mascot of the same name. A legend of street basketball Uncle Drew has always aspired to win the Rucker Classic until a conflict of unknown sorts caused him and his team to disappear. In the present day, Drew recruits Dax Winslow, a washed-up basketball coach and with his help, wants to bring the old team back together and finally live his dream.