1st Doctor:
"Doctor who?"
1st Doctor:
"You can't rewrite history! Not one line!"
2nd Doctor:
"There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things. Things which act against everything we believe in. They must be fought."
4th Doctor:
"Would you like a jellybaby?"
The 10th Doctor:
"There is more to be done than can ever be done, more to see than can ever be seen......wait, that's the Lion king, but still!
-The 10th Doctor"
"And who are you, if not human?"
Harriet Jones:
"Who's not human?"
Rose Tyler:
"He's not human."
The Doctor:
"Can I have a bit of hush?"
Harriet Jones:
[to Rose]"
Harriet Jones:
"But he's got a Northern accent!"
Rose Tyler:
"Lots of planets have a North"
The Doctor:
"I said hush!"
The Doctor:
"[cornered by the Empty Children with Rose and Capatain Jack] Go to your room."
Captain Jack Harkness:
"[to Rose] What's he doing?"
The Doctor:
"Go to your room! I'm very cross with you! Go... to... your... *room*!
[The Empty Children lower their heads and leave]"
The Doctor:
"I'm glad that worked. Those would have been terrible last words."
The Doctor:
"So, you find the breach, probe it, this sphere comes through, 600 feet above London, BAM! It leaves a hole in the fabric of reality. And that hole, you think"
The Doctor:
"(coming up from below the TARDIS console holding a device) Who're ya gonna call?"
The Doctor:
"I ain't afraid of no ghost!"
"To be or not to be
"Oooh that's quite good."
The Doctor:
"You should write that down."
"Bit too pretentious?"
The Doctor:
The Doctor:
"[about the telescope] It's a bit rubbish. How many prisms has it got? Way too many... the magnification's gone right over the top, that's a stupid kind of -
[aside to ROSE]"
Rose Tyler:
The Doctor:
"But it's pretty! Very... pretty!"
"Help! Let us out!"
The Doctor:
"Well that's no good the whole building screaming that."
"I want to hear her say 'I am not amused'. Bet you five quid I can get her to say it."
The Doctor:
"Taking that bet would be an abuse of my time traveling privileges."
Rose Tyler:
"Ten quid?"
The Doctor:
"You're on."
Sir Robert:
"Nevertheless, that creature won't give up, Doctor, and we still don't possess an actual weapon!"
The Doctor:
"Oh, your dad got all the brains, didn't he?"
Rose Tyler:
"Being rude again!"
The Doctor:
"Good, I meant that one. You want weapons? We're in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world! This room's the greatest arsenal we could have - arm yourselves!"
The Master:
"And I looked down upon my new dominion as master of all and I thought it...good."
The Master:
"I am usually refered to as 'The Master'."
"Today, the Kaled race is ended; consumed in a fire of war. But, from it's ashes will rise a new race: the supreme creature, the ultimate conquerer of the universe; The Dalek!"