The Wonderful World of Disney
Debut: September 28, 1997

Still the long-running Disney family anthology series on ABC.

Announcer: "Welcome to The Wonderful World of Disney."
Added By: JonharoldMeyer1996
Jiminy Cricket: "And now, I would like to share my memorable moment. When you wish upon a star, it symbolizes faith, hope, and all the things that Christmas stands for. So this is my personal wish for you, something that can make Christmas every day, if you'll just believe..."
Added By: TotallyToonedIn
Michael Eisner, CEO of the Walt Disney Company: "Hello, I'm Michael Eisner, head of The Walt Disney Company -Michael Eisner, CEO of the Walt Disney Company"
Dick Wesson - Announcer: "And now your host, Walt Disney. -Dick Wesson - Announcer"
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