The LEGO Batman Movie
Release: February 10, 2017

There are big changes brewing in Gotham, but if Batman (Will Arnett) wants to save the city from the Joker's (Zach Galifianakis) hostile takeover, he may have to drop the lone vigilante thing, try to work with others and maybe, just maybe, learn to lighten up. Maybe his superhero sidekick Robin (Michael Cera) and loyal butler Alfred (Ralph Fiennes) can show him a thing or two.

YouTube Videos
Batman: "White. All important movies end with a white screen."
Added By: funguy10
King Kong: "Building survey! This building's not up to code!"
Added By: funguy10
Batgirl: "If you call me Batgirl, can I call you Batboy?"
Added By: funguy10
Batman: "Okay, Robin. Together, we're gonna punch these guys so hard, words describing the impact are gonna spontaneously materialize out of thin air."
Added By: funguy10
Joker: "And rounding out the evil all-stars, Wicked Witch, Medusa, and British robots"
Daleks: "Exterminate!"
Joker: "Ask your nerd friends."
Added By: funguy10
Alfred Pennyworth: "Ha! You just got union jacked!"
Added By: funguy10
Riddler: "Riddle me this! What just happened?"
Added By: funguy10
Joker: "Hey Batman! Joker's home. I'm rubbing my butt all over your stuff. We're go gonna have to rename this the Butt-mobile."
Added By: funguy10
Batman: "What am I gonna do? Get a bunch of criminals together to fight the criminals? That's a stupid idea."
Added By: funguy10
Joker: "Hold on a sec. Are you trying to tell me that Bruce Wayne is Batman... 's roommate?"
Added By: funguy10
Computer: "What is the password?"
Batman: "Iron Man sucks!"
Added By: funguy10
Batman: "Black. All important movies start with a black screen... And music... Edgy, scary music that would make a parent or studio executive nervous... And logos... Really long and dramatic logos... Warner Bros. Why not "Warner Brothers"? I don't know... DC... The house that Batman built."
Batman: "Yeah, what, Superman? Come at me, bro. I'm your Kryptonite... Hmm... Not sure what RatPac does, but that logo is macho. I dig it... Okay. Get yourself ready for some... reading. "If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change. Hooo." No. I said that. Batman is very wise. I also have huge pecs and a nine-pack. Yeah, I've got an extra ab. Now, let's start the movie."
Added By: funguy10
Robin: "My name's Richard Grayson, but all the kids at the orphanage call me Dick."
Batman: "Well, children can be cruel."
Added By: funguy10
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