The Monty Python group examines the meaning and purpose of life in a series of sketches from conception to death and beyond. In typical Monty Python fashion they satirizes and humourizes almost everyone.
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This is the movie's Special Edition DVD trailer.
Original Theatrical Trailer
This rare trailer was originally posted to YouTube by dvdguy2011. Notice a ...
Here are two TV spots for the movie.
Principal:"From now on the school cormorant is OUT OF BOUNDS! Oh and Jenkins. Apparently your mother died this morning.
Fat Man:"Get me a bucket im goin to throw up
-Fat Man"
Waiter to Fat Diner:"It is but waifer thin.
-Waiter to Fat Diner"
Doctor:"Get the machine that goes PING!
Catholic Father:"Every sperm is sacred.
-Catholic Father"
Doctor while helping woman give birth:"Nurse: Doctor, the inspector's coming
Doctor: Switch everything on!!!
-Doctor while helping woman give birth"
Waiter to Fat Diner:"It's just a little mint!
-Waiter to Fat Diner"