The Ten Commandments (2007)
Release: October 19, 2007

Moses hears the voice of God from a burning bush, which inspires him to confront Egypt's pharaoh and demand freedom for the Israelite slaves. The pharaoh agrees after a series of horrific plagues, and Moses leads the Israelites through the parted Red Sea into the harsh freedom of the desert. There he ascends Mount Sinai and returns with the Ten Commandments. Starring the voices of Christian Slater, Alfred Molina, Elliott Gould, and was narrated by Ben Kingsley. John Stronach and Bill Boyce directs from the screenplay by Ed Naha; Based on the Old Testament story from the Holy Bible. Produced by Cindy Bond and Stronach; Executive Producers: John McAdams, Brad Cummings Ron Booth, Karen Glasser, Frank Yablans, Trevor Yaxley, Eric Chan, Chua Woo and John Corry. A Huhu Studios/IVL Animation production for Promenade Pictures and Ten Chimneys Entertainment.

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