Old man:
"Not as spry as I was when I was eighty, eh?"
Uncle Waldo:
"...and basted in white wine. *hic*"
"Basted? He's been marinated in it!"
Uncle Waldo:
"It was horrible! Being British, I would've preferred sherry. SHERRY!"
"(yelling) Quiet!"
"Birds of a feather must (hic) together.
"ma he did it again
Amelia and Abigail Gabble:
"Amelia Gabble: Abigail, if I walk any further, I'll get flat feet.
Abigail Gabble: But Amelia, we were born with flat feet.
-Amelia and Abigail Gabble"
Uncle Waldo:
"Prime Country Goose A la Provencale, stuffed with chestnuts"...? "And basted in white wine." Hic!
-Uncle Waldo"
Abigail Gabble and Thomas O'Malley:
"We're not chickens. We're geese.
No. I thought you were swans.
-Abigail Gabble and Thomas O'Malley"
Thomas O'Malley:
"Now, to make the magic begin, you wiggle your nose, and tickle your chin. Now close your eyes, cross your heart, and presto! - breakfast, Ã la carte.
-Thomas O'Malley"
"[at the last shot/ending] I'm the leader, I decide when it's the end.
[The "The End" bumps into his head] It's 'The End'."
"But he had a mouth like a "hippolotamus."
Thomas O'Malley:
"Humans don't really worry too much about their pets
-Thomas O'Malley"
"Ladies do NOT start fights, but they can finish them.
"Mama, Do I have eyes like sparkeling saphires too?
"Mama! Mama!
Thomas O'Malley:
"Basted? He's been MARINATED in it!
-Thomas O'Malley"
Duchess's Kittens:
"(chasing each other to the door)
Tolouse - "Wait for me, wait for me!"
Marie - "Me first! Me first!"
(all three get stuck in kitty door)
Berlioz - "Why should you be first?"
Marie - "Because I'm a lady, THAT'S why!"
-Duchess's Kittens"