WordWorld Intro
English intro with descriptive narration Ripped from the PBS Kids website (even though the narration doesn't exist when it's being viewed on the site)
Dog appears and he hops through a circle into the green field On green grass, the dog digs up the letters, 'D', U', 'C', and 'K' and pushes them together to form a duck with wings and a big orange bill. The letters 'S', 'H', 'E', 'E', and 'P' make a fluffy sheep. A pig and an ant put the letters 'A', 'R', 'N', and 'B' together to make a barn. A big letter 'O' rolls by and Dog chases it into a playground than launches it off a seesaw. A frog gets caught in the middle of the 'O' and rolls away. A bear skateboards past. And now the animals put more letters together. 'O' with frog in it rolls into place to a title, WordWorld.