co-creator Phil Vischer introduces the DtV show and its "A Taste of" Sampler Video.
More VeggieTales Intros
co-creator Phil Vischer introduces the DtV show and its "A Taste of" Sample...
German intro
Korean intro
Veggie tales
The reversed Veggietales theme song (1998 ver.)
Quote O' Matic
Muddy Mudskipper Theme Song:"Who's the greatest mudskipper of them all? (dun, dun, dun). Who can skip in the mud without scraping his knees? What kind of wonderful guy? It's Muddy - Mudskipper - he's Muddy - Mudskipper -- it's the MUDDY-- MUDDD --- Skiippperrrr SHOOWWWW!!!"
-Muddy Mudskipper Theme Song"