25 Posts
18 years, 2 months ago
Hello people of retro junk.com
I lost the name of one of those power ranger rip off's
That bandai made after the rangers.
Its not one of the new ranger series or the beatle borgs or VR troopers no its something else. It was something with a kid in a bug looking costume who whas the prince of an alien race. He also hade a family on earth with two adopted kids. dose everyone knows the name about this serie?
Creature of my own little world
Im dutch so yes i make mistakes with my engelish ;)
    rirotostichi's Avatar
    1841 Posts
    18 years, 2 months ago
    Masked Rider
      True's Avatar
      391 Posts
      18 years, 2 months ago
      VR Troopers?? with Mathew Lawrence? I used to watch that my freshman year of Highschool lol.

      You said not VR Troopers, oops.
        85 Posts
        18 years, 2 months ago
        i havnt really thought about it until now but there were a hell of a lot of power ranger rip offs in the 90s werent there? and power rangers lost its momentum after the first or second season. u would think they would have ripped off something that kepts its popularity a little longer. speaking of which, what is with all these new power rangers each season. why wont that show just die.
          Strykor's Avatar
          1202 Posts
          18 years, 2 months ago
          This might help explain a little bit why Power Rangers won't go away.


          And yes, the show you want to look for is Masker Rider.
          Official Member of the B&G Custom Comic Disaster Squad.
            SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
            4806 Posts
            18 years, 2 months ago
            Kamen Rider, technically, is older than Power Rangers, or either been around close to the same amount of time. Both series started in the 1970s. Kamen Rider, to my knowledge, didn't have as many series for it.
            i havnt really thought about it until now but there were a hell of a lot of power ranger rip offs in the 90s werent there? and power rangers lost its momentum after the first or second season. u would think they would have ripped off something that kepts its popularity a little longer. speaking of which, what is with all these new power rangers each season. why wont that show just die.
            As I've said a million times on here, PR won't die, because it's still popular in Japan. It has been since about 1975. Our version just didn't dub over the 1975 version, and was a bit more ahead by going straight to the 1991 version.

            Each season of Power Rangers is different in Japan. This includes Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, which was a mix of Zyuranger, Dairanger, and Kakuranger for here.

            Our version usually changed the storyline and all that stuff, hence hte combining of the three above to get three seasons of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, when they were originally stand alone plots. Every single one of them are. Each series always starts with a new plot, different characters, different enemies, etc.

            Ever wonder why they had Tommy lose his powers and made him the white ranger later on? Because the green ranger died out in the original, and since that was too gruesome for American audiences, killing out a main character, they combined stuff from Dairanger, and just made him the "white ranger".

            I forgot where I was going with this, to be honest. lol All I'm saying, is that Sentai is uber popular in Japan. The shows you claimed to being "ripoffs" really aren't, since the genre is so popular in Japan to young kids so they keep spewing them out, and as I pointed out earlier, Kamen Rider has been around in Japan just as long, or longer, than Power Rangers has.
              18 years, 2 months ago
              Kamen Rider, technically, is older than Power Rangers, or either been around close to the same amount of time. Both series started in the 1970s. Kamen Rider, to my knowledge, didn't have as many series for it.
              i havnt really thought about it until now but there were a hell of a lot of power ranger rip offs in the 90s werent there? and power rangers lost its momentum after the first or second season. u would think they would have ripped off something that kepts its popularity a little longer. speaking of which, what is with all these new power rangers each season. why wont that show just die.
              As I've said a million times on here, PR won't die, because it's still popular in Japan. It has been since about 1975. Our version just didn't dub over the 1975 version, and was a bit more ahead by going straight to the 1991 version.

              Each season of Power Rangers is different in Japan. This includes Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, which was a mix of Zyuranger, Dairanger, and Kakuranger for here.

              Our version usually changed the storyline and all that stuff, hence hte combining of the three above to get three seasons of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, when they were originally stand alone plots. Every single one of them are. Each series always starts with a new plot, different characters, different enemies, etc.

              Ever wonder why they had Tommy lose his powers and made him the white ranger later on? Because the green ranger died out in the original, and since that was too gruesome for American audiences, killing out a main character, they combined stuff from Dairanger, and just made him the "white ranger".

              I forgot where I was going with this, to be honest. lol All I'm saying, is that Sentai is uber popular in Japan. The shows you claimed to being "ripoffs" really aren't, since the genre is so popular in Japan to young kids so they keep spewing them out, and as I pointed out earlier, Kamen Rider has been around in Japan just as long, or longer, than Power Rangers has.

              that is very weird, I always thought that the Power Rangers was a 100% American Show that started in the early 1990's.
                SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                4806 Posts
                18 years, 2 months ago
                that is very weird, I always thought that the Power Rangers was a 100% American Show that started in the early 1990's.
                Nope, a dubbed over Japanese show which started in 1975. Well, technically, they always kept the Japanese footage with fight scenes, up to a point, I think, and you can really tell it.

                Look at our earlier episodes of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Zyuuranger is 1992; we got it the following year as Mighty Morphin Power Rangers). Notice that Trini always looked masculine when in the suit? That's because for the original version, the yellow ranger was a male character by the name of "Boi". I liked him too from the bit I saw. lol

                The red ranger too. He was much smaller in size than Jason was. My younger cousin, who was a huge fanatic of the show, always wondered why Jason was so small when in the costume; found out years later, it's because they used the footage from the original for fighting scenes.

                Ever wondered why Rita never seemed to talk right, her mouth movements rarely ever matching what she's saying? Voice was dubbed in. Bandora (Rita) sounds 100x better than Rita Repulsa did.

                Original version, there is no Alpha and Zordon. No Bulk & Skull. The rangers weren't "teenagers with attitudes". Instead, they were all guardians or something, who were put into a suspended sleep for millions of years to fight Bandora if she were ever to escape the thing she was trapped in.

                Oh yeah, we musn't forget Power Rangers Turbo (Kaaranger) with Justin. In the suit, he's adult-sized. That's because for the original, the blue ranger was an adult. Well, close to it. His character was 17, but the actor looked older. For Turbo, aside from the red and blue ranger, did the other three ever have cars to drive? I can't remember.
                  18 years, 2 months ago
                  Well, I guess that explains why the Green Rangers Robot looked Similiar to Godzilla.
                    SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                    4806 Posts
                    18 years, 2 months ago
                    Well, I guess that explains why the Green Rangers Robot looked Similiar to Godzilla.
                    It's probably more so due to the fact that his character represented the dragon.
                      18 years, 2 months ago
                      Well, I guess that explains why the Green Rangers Robot looked Similiar to Godzilla.
                      It's probably more so due to the fact that his character represented the dragon.

                      was Jason the first or second person to play the American Red Ranger in the original series, and what was the name of the other guy that played the red ranger when 3 of the original rangers moved away in that one episode?
                        315 Posts
                        18 years, 2 months ago
                        most people do think MMPR is American. The old ones were good new ones suck. I liked the movie with Ivean Ooze
                        Are we in Africa?
                          SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                          4806 Posts
                          18 years, 2 months ago
                          Well, I guess that explains why the Green Rangers Robot looked Similiar to Godzilla.
                          It's probably more so due to the fact that his character represented the dragon.
                          was Jason the first or second person to play the American Red Ranger in the original series, and what was the name of the other guy that replaced the first red ranger when 3 of the original rangers moved away in that one episode?
                          Jason was the first person to play the American Red Ranger. I think Tommy became the Red Ranger later on and Adam (so cute!!) was the Green Ranger. Is it wrong that I only looked those eps because I found Adam so freaking cute? Screw the lame storyline the series always had, he was eye-candy. lol

                          Anyway, as for the other question, I dunno.
                          most people do think MMPR is American. The old ones were good new ones suck.
                          I don't see how anyone can like the old ones, and not like the later ones when it's practically the same. The only difference is that they have different characters and the footage isn't as bad that they use for it and, to my knowledge, the later PR series are more accurate to the originals in terms of stories and characters, just that their American. For a true fan (I do konw of one), it's a dream come true. The series, in general, is still cheezy and lame, and always has been.
                          I liked the movie with Ivean Ooze
                          Now this was extremely terrible and cheesy. It was just so terribly corny. I only saw this movie because my other choice when being forced to go was Titanic, and I defintiely didn't want to suffer through that. ><
                            18 years, 2 months ago
                            I remember the episode where Alpha and that Big Head Guy Disappeared and the power rangers were shocked to see that they disappeared and then the blue ranger i think his name was billy climbed into a vent or something and crawled through it at the command center and then he discovered a secret room where they were making the suit for the white ranger formerly the green ranger, I thought he was cooler as the green ranger than the white ranger.
                              True's Avatar
                              391 Posts
                              18 years, 2 months ago
                              Power Rangers were good for the first two seasons.
                                regular_joe's Avatar
                                728 Posts
                                18 years, 2 months ago
                                Jason was the first red ranger, Rocky became red ranger after Jason, Trini, and Zack moved away, Tommy became the red ranger during the Zeo season, and started as red ranger during the Turbo series. Once Tommy left the turbo rangers TJ took his place.


                                " The last man nearly ruined this place/He didn't know what to do with it/If you think this countrys bad off now just what till I get through with it":D
                                  Strykor's Avatar
                                  1202 Posts
                                  18 years, 2 months ago
                                  Don't forget the Super Sentai Time Capsule, even though there's a link on the Ranger Central page. This will show you all the shows that came before MMPR.

                                  Official Member of the B&G Custom Comic Disaster Squad.
                                    85 Posts
                                    18 years, 2 months ago
                                    Kamen Rider, technically, is older than Power Rangers, or either been around close to the same amount of time. Both series started in the 1970s. Kamen Rider, to my knowledge, didn't have as many series for it.
                                    i havnt really thought about it until now but there were a hell of a lot of power ranger rip offs in the 90s werent there? and power rangers lost its momentum after the first or second season. u would think they would have ripped off something that kepts its popularity a little longer. speaking of which, what is with all these new power rangers each season. why wont that show just die.
                                    As I've said a million times on here, PR won't die, because it's still popular in Japan. It has been since about 1975. Our version just didn't dub over the 1975 version, and was a bit more ahead by going straight to the 1991 version.

                                    Each season of Power Rangers is different in Japan. This includes Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, which was a mix of Zyuranger, Dairanger, and Kakuranger for here.

                                    Our version usually changed the storyline and all that stuff, hence hte combining of the three above to get three seasons of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, when they were originally stand alone plots. Every single one of them are. Each series always starts with a new plot, different characters, different enemies, etc.

                                    Ever wonder why they had Tommy lose his powers and made him the white ranger later on? Because the green ranger died out in the original, and since that was too gruesome for American audiences, killing out a main character, they combined stuff from Dairanger, and just made him the "white ranger".

                                    I forgot where I was going with this, to be honest. lol All I'm saying, is that Sentai is uber popular in Japan. The shows you claimed to being "ripoffs" really aren't, since the genre is so popular in Japan to young kids so they keep spewing them out, and as I pointed out earlier, Kamen Rider has been around in Japan just as long, or longer, than Power Rangers has.

                                    popular in japan, now filmed in new zealand, still shown in america, despite a lack of popularity in america. makes no sense to me. the growth of japanese programming being shown in america in general is starting to bug me. on the cartoon front it seems like every cartoon now shown is anime or anime inspired. the majority of arguments i hear about these shows are usually split in to two sides. either the people who hate it and think anime and japanese shows are lame, or the people who love anime and japanese shows but feel the "americanized" versions suck because all the "good stuff" is cut out and changed around. that is why i call them "rip offs". its taking the show, repackaging it, and turning it into something halfway new. either way, both sides seem to dislike it. if its popular in japan, great. but if its not popular here then why show it?
                                      2623 Posts
                                      18 years, 2 months ago
                                      was Jason the first or second person to play the American Red Ranger in the original series, and what was the name of the other guy that played the red ranger when 3 of the original rangers moved away in that one episode?

                                      The other guy would be Rocky.

                                      I stopped watching after they stopped using the zords they got in the Ivan OOze movie.
                                        SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                                        4806 Posts
                                        18 years, 2 months ago
                                        popular in japan, now filmed in new zealand, still shown in america, despite a lack of popularity in america. makes no sense to me.
                                        I personally see it as a Pokemon thing. Every series brings in a new audience. As soon a Pokemon dies there (which I doubt, unless they stop putting out games), then it'll die here. I see PR in the same way. They must be getting some type of decent ratings to keep bringing the show over each season. The newer kids, and then the kids after them, and the kids after them, etc., seems to get into it.
                                        the growth of japanese programming being shown in america in general is starting to bug me. on the cartoon front it seems like every cartoon now shown is anime or anime inspired. the majority of arguments i hear about these shows are usually split in to two sides. either the people who hate it and think anime and japanese shows are lame, or the people who love anime and japanese shows but feel the "americanized" versions suck because all the "good stuff" is cut out and changed around.
                                        Japanese or not, personally, I have a problem with anything that's not presented in a way that the originator of a series intended. As you can see, I'm not limiting this to the Japanese stuff, but, it seems that most of it is Japanese related. I hate the American version of Digimon Adventure 02 for this very reason. Too many unnecessary additions.

                                        I honestly don't mind too much, the stuff they're bringing over, I just wish that it wasn't so much anime stuff. More than likely, I saw the shows before they got an American license anyway, like Naruto, the last three seasons of Sailor Moon (which we only got two of), Mahou Sensei Negima, Detective Conan, Digimon Tamers, Digimon Frontier, Digimon Savers, etc. The shows I wouldn't mind seeing, are the variety ones or more "live-action" stuff. The closest we probably have to that is the original Iron Chef.

                                        For some people, you have your purists who only prefer subtitled anime or raws, but then you have those who could go either way, but, don't like stuff to be changed like the viewers are a bunch of idiots. You know, unnecessary jokes, personality changes with the characters, spellings of names where the pronunciation should be obvious, etc. It makes them feel stupid.
                                        that is why i call them "rip offs".
                                        Oh, okay.
                                        its taking the show, repackaging it, and turning it into something halfway new. either way, both sides seem to dislike it. if its popular in japan, great. but if its not popular here then why show it?
                                        Because it's still bringing in some type of revenue. The states are usually quick to cancel things that don't do too well. If PR was doing that badly, it would've been cancelled by now.
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