990 Posts
17 years, 5 months ago
Water games means games that you played in the pool and/or games that you played when you'd play with the hose. Me personally I played all kinds of games in both categories. In the pool I always liked to just play and swim around and stuff. I also liked to play the game where you have to jump into the pool. I've played Marco Polo a few times but was never a fanatic about it. As far as the hose goes my favorate thing to do with the hose was to put it over the treehouse just to get the slide wet and for when you go down the slide you get wet by the hose and it would also help make a good mud moat. I've also had a few slip n slides but my homes water pressure sucked so they wouldn't work exactly how they should of.
    JerseyJ's Avatar
    533 Posts
    17 years, 5 months ago
    Super Soaker
    It is better to be hated for standing by your beliefs than it is to be loved for biting your tongue.
    Some call it obsession, some call it a hobby... I call it personality.
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      pikachulover's Avatar
      2944 Posts
      17 years, 5 months ago
      I would get on my friends' slide in their pool and they would arch the hose over it and you would try not to get wet.
        jenniferswe's Avatar
        403 Posts
        17 years, 5 months ago
        The lawn sprinkler.
        What are you people!? On dope!?

          lorax's Avatar
          977 Posts
          17 years, 5 months ago
          We would have water wars with super soakers with the kids in the neighborhood. We would also just run through the sprinkler. If we were in the pool, we would usually just do races or see who could make the biggest canon ball
          "This scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin, tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in..."
            punky's Avatar
            441 Posts
            17 years, 5 months ago
            Outside of the pool, I ran through the sprinkler, or played on the Slip N Slide. In the pool, I did the standard whirpool, or pretended to be a mermaid!
              559 Posts
              17 years, 5 months ago
              I would have contests with my friends to see who could stay underwater the longest. I almost always won.
                April1980's Avatar
                176 Posts
                17 years, 5 months ago
                Hmm. I don't remember getting into an awfull lot of water games.
                Good squirt guns were few and far between in the 80s and early 90s. At least, not at a price my parents could regularly afford.

                I think I can count the number of water fights on one hand. A bit sad realy, when I think about it.

                Mind you, there was this one time when me and about 10 school friends took over the kiddies paddling pool at the local outdoor swimming pool and played at wrestling in the water in the closing hours of a summers day. That was awesome fun that day. I'll never forget it.

                In the same pool, this time in the main pool, if there wasn't that many people there, typically in the last couple of hours of being open, the attendants would throw a bunch of floats and rubber rings into the pool.
                The rings were basically inner tubes from the huge 16 ton trucks the British Army drove about.
                The valve was simply strapped flat with some Gaffer tape (Or back nasty as it was called in the Army, a sort of VERY sticky, water proove canvas tape) and that was it.
                There were only 5 or so rings, so when there was 30 kids in the pool... mock battles would ensue where someone would get a ring and try and stay on it for as long as possible while others tried to flip them.

                Great fun, good time. I miss em.
                The ongoing voyages of a retro junkie
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