RetroDude86's Avatar
18 Posts
3 years, 4 months ago
I got say there quite a few to choose from to many to be exact but i will put a few.
A band that never did well and is truly over underrated in England is split enz amazing new Zealand band with great music.
Next is Lisa Lougheed you don’t seem to hear much of her music on the radio which is upsetting really.
RetroDude86's Signature Image
This'll make Star Wars look like a slideshow! from the raccoons quoted by Cyril sneer form sweet smell of success from 1987 season 2 episode 13.
    AnalogTV's Avatar
    19 Posts
    3 years, 4 months ago
    One singer who was kinda big in the 80s-90s was Stevie B. Sure his music was a bit cheesy, but he made some real good hits like Spring Love. No one really knows his stuff, but I get why, his sound was a bit generic, but that doesn't mean its bad. He's one of those artist you never hear about when talking about that era of music. I think part of the reason I like his music is because I have good memories associating it though.
      vintagetv2's Avatar
      6 Posts
      3 years, 1 month ago
      Dust the band did 2 albums then broke up and Budgie 1st 4 albums are great both bands are underrated.
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