I am not offended with your criticisim
shouldn't be offended. The guidelines you set up are preposterous.
"i would bring a rescue kit so i could get out of there" and all phone are out of service there no text messaging, no communication whatsoever. and there is electricity (for those who would bring a tv).
Well I hope that hidden nuclear power plant on your island allows you to enjoy the static snow on your useless tv.
A man's list:
1) My girlfriend, and she has no say in the matter. You'll never see your family again because I need something to poke. I'm almost sorry.
2) A Frankish battle axe, because survival hatchets are lame. Also my girlfriend can see my brutish nature, leading to more poking.
3) Several crates of Bass pale ale. Whatever, they were on the boat.
4) Penicillin. Keep the dinkle drips away.
5) If we're going to start fires, might as well go with Thermite. It would turn the sand to glass in the process. Perfect for the bungalow I built. Which leads to a safe haven for more poking.