I have a really good one. This was actually done to me:
I was driving one day when I look down to find 3 little lizards running around my car. Turns out my friend bought a big box of these little lizards at Petsmart and opened it up in my car. I was finding lizards for the next two weeks running around my car. Only do this if your friend is nice like I am and will just trap them and let them go.
I'm scared that the lizards might cause an accident. But, I guess I could do something else. This person likes to sing to the worst chick songs ever when he is in his car. I could tap his car with a recorder before he leaves to go on the road, and I can keep doing this until I get a good amount of him singing, then I can make one big mp3 of it, and upload to myspace and put it on my page.
That doesn't seem mean enough, though. I wanna do something meaner, I think.