lorax's Avatar
977 Posts
16 years, 10 months ago
I'm sure everyone here (aside from the jr. highsters and high schoolers) have had roommates in the past. You may have hated each other or you may have gotten along really well. But even if you guys ended up being the best of friends, there was always that one thing she/he did that drove you up the wall. I know there is a similar post but this one is a little different. So, does anyone care to share?

Here's mine:
I've been living with the same college roommate for almost 3 years now. She's really nice (but a bit of a whiner/cry-baby). The thing that drives me absolutely up the wall is that she eats my food. Now, if it was once in awhile she might eat one Poptart, that's totally fine, but it's not once in awhile. I'm on a strict budge because i'm paying for college by loans (parents make me go to college, but they can't help that much, go figure) and that money is suppose to last (i'm sure some of you know). I'll come home and she'll be eating the "expensive" pasta i bought for myself and not even act like she's guilty of doing it, like it's her food too. It drives me crazy cuz she has her own food and if she's low on groceries/money, all she has to do is call mommy and daddy and they put money in her account. I thought about labeling my food, but i don't wanna be a bitch ya know?
"This scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin, tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in..."
    16 years, 10 months ago
    I'm sure everyone here (aside from the jr. highsters and high schoolers) have had roommates in the past. You may have hated each other or you may have gotten along really well. But even if you guys ended up being the best of friends, there was always that one thing she/he did that drove you up the wall. I know there is a similar post but this one is a little different. So, does anyone care to share?

    Here's mine:
    I've been living with the same college roommate for almost 3 years now. She's really nice (but a bit of a whiner/cry-baby). The thing that drives me absolutely up the wall is that she eats my food. Now, if it was once in awhile she might eat one Poptart, that's totally fine, but it's not once in awhile. I'm on a strict budge because i'm paying for college by loans (parents make me go to college, but they can't help that much, go figure) and that money is suppose to last (i'm sure some of you know). I'll come home and she'll be eating the "expensive" pasta i bought for myself and not even act like she's guilty of doing it, like it's her food too. It drives me crazy cuz she has her own food and if she's low on groceries/money, all she has to do is call mommy and daddy and they put money in her account. I thought about labeling my food, but i don't wanna be a bitch ya know?

    Hmm, Sounds to me that she has got a bit of a bad habit and she is also Spoiled. if she is literally being given money by her parent's then their is no reason that she should be eating your food. Maybe she's just lazy when it comes to shopping or something.
      kayvee's Avatar
      3672 Posts
      16 years, 10 months ago
      Lorax, it's not an issue for her because she doesn't endure the same financial struggles that you do. It is just food to her--no big deal. You need to sit her down and explain to her what your situation is. If you are on a budget just explain that to her. If you go about it in a gentle way, she'd look silly to get upset. Even if she gets upset and things are quiet for a few days, you'll feel better that you did your part and she'll think twice about grabbing that pop-tart next time. Hands off, fatty!
        Sunriser's Avatar
        3802 Posts
        16 years, 10 months ago
        I agree, it's probably not a big deal for her. It's hard not to share or have community stuff when you live with someone. I don't think it's being bitchy to label your stuff, just safe. I will admit I used my roommate's shampoo when I ran out, but then I used it a few more times just because I liked it. LOL. I did tell her though, she really didn't care. She told me she'd bought the wrong kind anyway.

        One of my friends almost got to fists because her roommate freaked out about someone using her spices... Yes, spices. And they weren't low or anything and it was only once.

        I definitely have a problem with people stealing food, probably for the same reason because I used to share food all the time. My fiance's roomate has stolen some of my food and I haven't moved all my stuff in yet. I'm sure he didn't know it was mine, but seriously, I had some water from France in there and he drank it. He must be blind if he didn't think the French label was suspicious. And he doesn't just use stuff once, he's eaten an entire box of my cereal before.
          PirateNinja6's Avatar
          2472 Posts
          16 years, 10 months ago
          Kick her ass out of the dorm. :D
            jenniferswe's Avatar
            403 Posts
            16 years, 10 months ago
            Do label your food. That what we did when I was in college. I hated all my roommates. After college, I said, "I will not have another roommate unless it is someone I really trust and like or I get married."
            What are you people!? On dope!?

              lorax's Avatar
              977 Posts
              16 years, 10 months ago
              Kick her ass out of the dorm. :D

              Yeah we haven't lived in a dorm in two years but she ate my food when were living in the dorms, so i guess i should be used to it by now
              "This scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin, tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in..."
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