Being this is my first article, I will start off with my fondest memories... summer vacations. Now I know that there was an article written about this before, I feel that I had some things I wnated to share.
The ffirst thing that I loved most about summer vacations were sleepovers. From the ages 7-11 I loved having sleepovers at my friends house. Well I wouldn't exactly call the Sleepovers, but maybe stayovers because we didnt do much of sleeping. We'd all bring out sleeping bags and camp out in the basement with a TV and some snacks. We would watch movies and play video games all night long by the morning we were dead. Sometimes the parents would come in and tell us to shut up! Sleepovers lost their charm when all was spoken about were girls girls and oh yeah girls, but I guess that is a part of growing up.
My second thing that I loved were Italian Ices... I loved these more that Ice Cream. I would always chace down the truck or for that matter, van and order a large ranbow ice, you know the red white and blue ones. I'd finish the whole thing in like 2 minutes than suck the juices out of the cup. Those were great.
My third favorite thing is probably one of many other peoples favorits and that is playstation. We would always play Doom, until the colombine incident when our mothers took a stand against games like that, thank god my mom mellowed out sonce then... after all we were 10. We would play the madden games over and over until my friend threw his controller at the TV and broke it.... we slept in the dark that night! But all in all PSX was great.
Some other of my favorite things were making prank calls... we would make them all the time, mostly stupid ones looking back on it and we also played ding dong ditch.
But good memories have to come with bad ones also. Being that we went to the beach every week, and I was too cool to wear sunblock, I payed some consequences... like blisters on my body for 3 days but I learned my lesson.
My last thing that I loved were cookouts. All the dads would BBQ for a while, while we wrere playing wiffleball or swimming in the above ground pool... Oh how I loved those burned hot dogs late at night...
These are just some of my favorite things from the summer but those days were magical and something I probably wont experiance for a long time or forever... I loved those days!