Which Ninja Turtle are you?

a quiz to find out which turtle you are most like
January 12, 2009
Awhile back there was a quiz to see which ghost you are from Pac-Man done by CharityIchiban. I thought this was a great idea so I'm throwing my hat in the ring. I mean my article in the junk, uh, retrojunk. You know what I mean. When taking this quiz write down what letter you picked for each question to find out what turtle's traits you most resemble. I hope this isn't too predictable and enjoyable.

1. Your baseball team lost the game because:

A. You were the away team going against a team that was on a 3-0 streak, the odds were against you
B. Who cares? It's only a game and we still get snow cones
C. You didn't have everyone practice hard enough
D. You didn't pitch a perfect game

2. Your car needs an oil change, you:

A. Change the oil, check the tire pressure, and do other maintenance
B. Take it to Jiffy Lube, it's well worth the $10
C. Show your little brother how while you do it
D. Change the oil, but put a dent in the car after you got oil on your face

3. Big test next week, you:

A. Don't mind that everyone comes to you when they are stuck
B. Next week? I'll start to study in 6 days
C. Form a study group
D. Study alone

4. You are planning a birthday party, the game should be:

A. Guess the jellybeans in the jar
B. Pin the tail on the donkey
C. A relay race
D. Drop clothespins in a jug

5. What are you reading?

A. The New Yorker
B. Mad
C. A self-help book
D. American Cop

6. When you are sick you:

A. Get the latest medicines
B. Woohoo! No work today!
C. Try to push through it, people are counting on you
D. Sick? I ain't sick

7. What is your favorite kind of movie?

A. Science Fiction
B. Comedy
C. Mystery
D. Action

8. You have a date tonight, you are:

A. Hoping for a stimulating conversation
B. Looking to get lucky
C. Perfectly polite
D. Quite shy

9. When on vacation you:

A. Try to map out the most efficient way to do everything
B. Just have fun, let the others worry about that other stuff
C. Try to make everyone happy
D. Do what you want, people can come with me, but don't slow me down

10. Your best friend is deathly sick, you:

A. Try to occupy yourself with projects
B. Wish they were with you to have fun together
C. Stay by their side
D. Work out until you can't move

11. It's cold out today, you:

A. Wear natural fibers since they are better than synthetics for cold
B. Can't wait to show everyone your new Scooby Doo hat
C. Bring an extra hat
D. Don't mind, cold is for wimps

12. What's your favorite color?

A. Silver
B. Polka Dots
C. Green
D. Blue

Now add up all your letters.

If you got the most A's, you are Donatello:
Don is the most modest and underrated turtle. You may not have the best fighting skills, but you almost always have a solution to any problem. Your inventions help the group, but you ask for no recognition. You do all the maintenance for the turtles with little or no appreciation, but you don't mind. Using your intellect before resorting to violence, you are reason and logic for the turtles in difficult situations. Other people's lives are better because you are in them.

If you got the most B's, you are Michelangelo:
You are a party animal. You just want to live life to the fullest. Eat what you want, play whenever possible, and help whenever you can. If you are Mikey, you remind the rest of us to slow down and enjoy every moment. Occasionally lacking in responsibility, you still do what is right, eventually. You are the care-free turtle we all wish we could be more like.

If you got the most C's, you are Leonardo:
With many natural talents, you are a born leader. You achieve a higher level much quicker than most in nearly everything you do. But you also feel responsible for others achievement. You blame yourself for not preparing others the best that you could have. A very respectful turtle, you constantly do your best to show others the way.

If you got the most D's, you are Raphael:
Isolated, stubborn, but mostly misunderstood. You are compassionate, dedicated, and will give your all for what you believe is right. You are just as capable of being the leader, but lack a few people skills. You want the job done right away, (and your way) so sometimes you can not see problems from all sides. You have a short temper but only because you suffer when others suffer. Although not a fan favorite, Raphael is a very noble turtle.

If you had an equal amount of each letter, you are Master Splinter:
You are a true blend of all the strengths and weaknesses of each turtle. A teacher to all, you have the wisdom to use all your knowledge, skills, and senses in any situation. Friends ask you for advice and strangers listen to what you say. The tranquility of your life comes from a perfect balance of your total being. You always keep perspective of what the true problem is, and the best way to fix it. Even if that means watching others fail so they can learn for themselves. If you are a Splinter, go find more turtles to train.

That's pretty much it. If you would like to see the reasoning behind my answers, keep going. If not, I hope you enjoyed this quiz.

1. Your baseball team lost the game because:

A. You were the away team going against a team that was on a 3-0 streak, the odds were against you- You used your logic to decide who had the natural advantage
B. Who cares? It's only a game and we still get snow cones- You don't take things too serious, it really is just a game
C. You didn't have everyone practice hard enough- You feel responsible for the team's failure
D. You didn't pitch a perfect game- You want the blame for yourself, had you done better, everyone would have won

2. Your car needs an oil change, you:

A. Change the oil, check the tire pressure, and do other maintenance- Doing all the maintenance is what you do without being asked
B. Take it to Jiffy Lube, it's well worth the $10- Why do the work when you can pay a couple bucks and go play?
C. Show your little brother how while you do it- You use this opportunity to help another learn something useful
D. Change the oil, but put a dent in the car after you got oil on your face- Your temper got the best of you

3. Big test next week, you:

A. Don't mind that everyone comes to you when they are stuck- Your astounding intelligence makes you a teacher, not a student for academics
B. Next week? I'll start to study in 6 days- You procrastinate until crunch-time so you can play more
C. Form a study group- A leader wants a group that can work together to help the most people
D. Study alone- You like and study best by yourself, other people get on your nerves when you're concentrating

4. You are planning a birthday party, the game should be:

A. Guess the jellybeans in the jar- A guesstimation game
B. Pin the tail on the donkey- All out craziness and fun as people spin and people shout which way to go
C. A relay race- A teamwork style game
D. Drop clothespins in a jug- This game requires your own personal skills which you like to constantly test

5. What are you reading?

A. The New Yorker- A smart read
B. Mad- A fun read
C. A self-help book- A read to better yourself
D. American Cop- A read about justice

6. When you are sick you:

A. Get the latest medicines- Science is the best cure
B. Woohoo! No work today!- Sick time is time off from all responsibilities
C. Try to push through it, people are counting on you- Even though you don't feel good you want to keep going to help others out
D. Sick? I ain't sick- You stick through it and be tough even though you're hurting

7. What is your favorite kind of movie?

A. Science Fiction- A very creative and interesting style of movie
B. Comedy- Something to make you laugh
C. Mystery- Many mysteries have teams working together to solve the crime
D. Action- You like beat 'em up instant justice flicks

8. You have a date tonight, you are:

A. Hoping for a stimulating conversation- A person's brain is their sexiest part
B. Looking to get lucky- Sex is the best part of dating, let's do that
C. Perfectly polite- A gentleman is the best type of date
D. Quite shy- Outwardly tough, you are shy with the opposite sex and find yourself quiet

9. When on vacation you:

A. Try to map out the most efficient way to do everything- You love to plan and be efficient
B. Just have fun, let the others worry about that other stuff- Vacations are for fun, you don't stress out about the little stuff
C. Try to make everyone happy- You are happiest when others are happy and try to take the lead so others can have fun
D. Do what you want, people can come with me, but don't slow me down- You know what you like and have a "I'm going do what I want" attitude

10. Your best friend is deathly sick, you:

A. Try to occupy yourself with projects- Your overactive brain needs diversions
B. Wish they were with you to have fun together- You want to live life to the fullest knowing how fragile it is
C. Stay by their side- You don't want to let your friend down and feel partly responsible for their predicament
D. Work out until you can't move- Working out gets the rage out of you, since you are helpless and hate that feeling

11. Its cold out today, you:

A. Wear natural fibers since they are better than synthetics for cold- Applying knowledge to take the best steps
B. Can't wait to show everyone your new Scooby Doo hat- Still a goofball even in the cold
C. Bring an extra hat- Are thinking of others and want to be prepared
D. Don't mind, cold is for wimps- Pretty self explanatory

12. What's your favorite color?

A. Silver- Like Machines
B. Polka Dots- Goofy again
C. Green- I see this as unity for turtles
D. Blue- Like boys in blue, color of justice
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