Halloween Ends
Release: October 14, 2022

An outcasted 21-year-old falls in love with Laurie Strode's granddaughter while a series of events, including crossing paths with Michael Myers, drives him to become a serial killer. The last of three films in the "new age" Halloween trilogy.

Male Annoucer: "[the 2013 version of the 2012 Universal Pictures plays] "W" who? W U-R-Ge - 94.9, the Urge; Haddonfield's home for rock."
Man: "I'm Willie "the Kid", and there's n-n-nothin' you can do about it. ♪("Midnight Monsters Hop" by Jack & Jim starts playing, that plays over the following Miramax and Blumhouse logos, leading into the start of the prologue.)♪"
Added By: STHerbs97
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