Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Trailer
Mattel's official Levitating Challenge game spot (CN 'Living Doo' [10/31/01])
More Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Trailers
official "The Magic Begins 11/16th[/01]" teaser (Coke Theatrical Promo CD-R...
"Creating the Magic" Pre-Prod vaginette (’00; "In Theaters 11/16/01"; Coke ...
"The Magic of Harry Potter" vaginette (’00; "starting with the live-action ...
"The Magic Begins 11/16th" [us] spot (CN 'Living Doo' [10/31/01])
Coca-Cola/RiF spot (CN 'Living Doo' [10/31/01]; also on its own 5/28/02 [na...