This was the last revived version of Hollywood Squares. It was hosted by Tom Bergeron and had Whoopi Goldberg as Center Square from 1998-2002. The gameplay was the same, tic tac toe with celebrities to win money, but with a new twist.
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Announcer:"From the celebrity capital of the world, it's Hollywood Squares!"
Added By: rgman1995swell
John Moschitta Jr.:""I'm John Moschitta, the voice of Hollywood Squares saying Goooooooooood Night! Promotional consideration furnished by the following!""
Maria:""This looks alot like the piano at Bob's apartment or is it an electric keyboard. Does it do more?""
Herbie Hancock:""Why yes. Well you see, This is not just a piano. You see, this is a synthesizer, It's a computer-based synthesizer. It more features and there is typewriting keyboard that Clyde is in front of."
Children:""Hello, Clyde.""
Clyde:""Hello, Kids.""
Herbie Hancock:""You can do so many different things that you can't do on a piano.""