Phineas and Ferb
Debut: August 17, 2007
Ended: June 12, 2015

Meet Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher, two boys wanting to get the best out of their summer vacation. The boys always embark on a grand new project, which annoys their older sister Candace (who always tries to bust them and fails). Meanwhile, their pet platypus Perry secretly becomes Agent P, a spy that always succeeds at foiling the plans of the evil, but dimwitted scientist, Dr. Doofenschmirtz. This show premiered on Disney Channel in August 2007, and still delights kids and adults alike today.

Phineas: "Hey, where's Perry?"
Added By: agod
Isabella: "What'cha dooooin'?"
Added By: agod
Candace: "Mooooom, Phineas & Ferb are making a title sequence!"
Added By: agod
Dr. Doofenshmirtz: "Curse you, Perry the Platypus!"
Added By: agod
Phineas: "Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!"
Added By: agod
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