Max:"Karen, I don't know how to say this to you gently, but...we can't be talking about the satellite plans in front of Tom and Carla."
Karen:"Why? They both work with you. I didn't know you had any secrets."
Max:"It's not like that. It's very competitive among researchers, and Tom would like nothing more than to trip me up."
Max:"Seriously. I have to beat them to the finish line."
Karen:"I didn't know this was a race."
Max:"Well, you like this house. You like that shiny car outside. All this depends on me being better than Tom and Carla. Heads are about to roll at work right now, and I want to be the one holding the ax. Understand?"
Karen:"I think so. Can I see your designs?"
Karen:"I'm interested in what you do. You are my husband. I'd like to see your work."
Max:"Honey, I would, but...I don't think you'd understand, even if I showed them to you."
Karen:"Try me. I am your wife."
Max:"Okay. Well, maybe later. Right now, we have guests. Remember?"