Release: July 24, 2015

Aliens have come to Earth with plans to invade and wipe out humanity and they have taken on the use of technology representing classic arcade games from the early 80's. To counter the invasion, the United States hires former arcade champions to lead the planet's defense.

Jennifer: "[at the bakery where He and her wife adding sprinkles while laughing] Mr. President."
President Cooper: "[her wife some cakefrost-smushed him; muffled] Yes, Jennifer?"
Jennifer: "We just received an alien transmission from the "Where's the beef?" lady." "[the transmission was from the early '84 Wendy's spot]"
President: "[shutters] Wh- Wh- What did she say?"
Jennifer: "First of all, she asked "Where the beef?" was; Then, she said that the next battle was on at sundown tomorrow. 5130' 29" latitude; 09' 42" longitude."
President: "Where is that?" "[the location coordinates to a soccer field in "London, England - Hyde Park".]"
Added By: STHerbs97
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