Release: December 13, 2002

Drumline is a 2002 American coming-of-age teen comedy-drama film directed by Charles Stone III. The screenplay, which was inspired by the Southwest Dekalb High School Drumline, was written by Tina Gordon Chism and Shawn Schepps. The film follows a young drummer from New York, played by Nick Cannon, who enters the fictional Atlanta A&T University and bumps heads with the leader of his new school's drum section. Zoe Saldana, Leonard Roberts and Orlando Jones also co-star.

Devon: "I don't have a whole bunch of kids runnin' around."
Added By: funguy10
James: "Somebody need to give that brother a shot of cognac or something cause for the past four yearsat he BET classic, Morris Brown been spankin that ass, spankin that ass."
Added By: funguy10
Dr. Lee: "Hit 'em with a little Flight Of The Bumblebee!"
Added By: funguy10
Sean: "I've had it with your no talent, wannabe gangster ass! You wanna prove once and for all that I'm better than you? Strap up!"
Devon: "Bring it on, big brother tin man!"
Added By: funguy10
Jason: "I'm trying to get my spot back!"
Devon: "How? By river-dancing with your drum?"
Added By: funguy10
Sean: "You're the best, Devon! But when we're on the field, nobody hears you! They hear the band."
Added By: funguy10
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