Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
Release: July 30, 2004

Harold Lee and Kumar Patel are two Asian-American (Korean and Indian) stoners who get the munchies and embark on a quest throughout New Jersey for White Castle burgers after seeing them advertised on TV. On their journey, they encounter many obstacles that seem to be preventing them from making it to the restaurant. A gang of extreme sports punks, a raccoon with an attitude, a group of East Asian nerds, a racist police department, a cheetah that has escaped from a zoo, and an out-of-control Neil Patrick Harris all seem to be in the way of those delicious sliders.

Clarissa: "Damn! You sank my battleshit!"
Added By: funguy10
Extreme Sports Punk: "Dude, on a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being not so extreme and 10 being extremely extreme, I give this a 9.5!"
Added By: funguy10
Harold: "Are those my scissors? Dude, I trim my nose hair with those!"
Kumar: "Dude, I've been cutting my ass hair with them for the past six months."
Added By: funguy10
Goldstein: "This movie makes no sense. She's possessed, she's not possessed... that rack had better be stacked. OH! TITS! Those aren't real. Yes, they are!"
Added By: funguy10
Freakshow: "It's gonna take me a while to fix up your car there, so if you boys like, you can go on inside, get yourselves something to drink, wash up, fuck my wife, watch TV - anything you want. Mi casa es su casa. Just don't do anything the Good Lord wouldn't do."
Added By: funguy10
Male Nurse: "Soft, chocolate lips..."
Added By: funguy10
Harold: "Dude, where's my car?"
Kumar: "Where's his car, dude?"
Added By: funguy10
Burger Shack Employee: "Ding-dong! May I interject for a second? As a Burger Shack employee for the past three years, if there's one thing I've learned, it's that if you're craving White Castle, the burgers here just don't cut it. In fact, just thinking about those tender little White Castle burgers with those little, itty-bitty grilled onions that just explode in your mouth like flavor crystals every time you bite into one... just makes me want to burn this motherfucker down."
Added By: funguy10
Harold: "So what are you in here for?"
Tarik: "For being black."
Harold: "Seriously?"
Tarik: "I am serious. You wanna know what happened? I was walking out of a Barnes & Noble, and a cop stops me. Evidently, a black guy robbed a store in Newark. I told him, "I haven't even been to Newark in months." So he starts beating me with his gun, telling me to stop resisting arrest."
Added By: funguy10
Harold: "Did Doogie Howser just steal my fucking car?"
Added By: funguy10
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