Release: January 01, 1975

A so-called "snuff" movie involving the exploits of a cult leader leading a gang of bikers in a series of supposedly real killings on film. US release: 1/16/1976

Narrator: "[on-screen text; from its teaser] WARNING: (underlined) You are about to see scenes of a film said to be the most controversial in the history of motion pictures. The movie they said could never be shown... in fact, you have read the headlines across the newspapers of this country and the world, and you have heard the news..."
...: ""This is the movie that could only have been made in South America where life is cheap... it will shock you and astound you... it is not meant for weak hearts... or weak stomachs..." "Because of the highly controversial and violent nature of this movie we are only able to show you some selected, edited scenes at this time... but the COMPLETE, UNEXPURGATED, UNEDITED, UNCENSORED (underlined) version will be coming soon to this theatre..."
Added By: STHerbs97
Max Marsh: "Miss Terri London is an actress and she'll do anything to give a good performance!"
Added By: Clint_Olson
Angelica's Father: "[after discovering a farmer in bed with Angelica] Pig! Filthiest of all animals! I will cut your heart from your body and feed it to the dogs!"
Added By: Clint_Olson
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