Sonic The Hedgehog: The Movie
Release: May 31, 1996

Sonic's arch nemesis Dr Robotnik has been banished from the Land of Darkness by an evil Metal Robotnik. The devious doctor tells Sonic that the Robot Generator has been sabotaged and will blow Planet Freedom to kingdom come. It's not until the President's beautiful daughter Sara turns on the charm that Sonic springs into action. Tails and Knuckles join Sonic as he investigates. US release date: September 9th, 1999

YouTube Videos
Sonic: "Sonic is my name speed is my game!"
Sonic: "(getting annoyed by Tails' yelling) SHUT UP, TAILS!!!"
Robotnix: "Got get them Hyper Metal Sonic."
Metal: "There is only one Sonic"
Robotnik: "Not so fast, eh?!"
Sonic: "Metal!!!"
Tails: "Mayday!,Mayday!, Trans-Zero Gulf Niner niner Abort! Abort! -Tails"
Sonic: "Great, It's that old man again! -Sonic"
Tails: "Abort!,Abort! Trans-zero niner niner Disengage I Reapeat, Disengage! -Tails"
Tails: ""Abort! Abort! Abort! Missles Heading In My tail! I'm Surrounded! Disengage! I Reapeat, Disegage! Abort! Abort! Abort! Abort! Abort! Abort!" (BOOOOOM!) -Tails"
Tails: "Tran-Zero Gulf niner niner Disengage! I Reapeat, Disengage! -Tails"
Tails: ""Abort! Abort! Abort! Missles In my Tail! I'm Surronded! Mayday! Mayday! Disengage Disengage! Abort! Abort! Abort! Abort! Abort! Abort!'' (BOOOOOOOOM!!!) -Tails"
Tails and Knuckles.: "(Tails is afriad and holds on to Sara) Knuckles: "Tails I didn't think you would stoop that low." Tails: "I'm so sorry!" -Tails and Knuckles."
Tails and Knuckles.: "(Tails is afriad and holds on to Sara) Knuckles: "Tails I didn't think you would stoop that low." Tails: "I'm so sorry!" -Tails and Knuckles."
Sonic & Metal Sonic: "Sonic: (rubs nose) So now we get on to the real fight. The last Sonic standing will be the winner. Metal Sonic: (Imitates Sonic rubbing nose) Sonic: What this world isn't big enough for the both of us and one of us has to go? Metal Sonic: (nods -Sonic & Metal Sonic"
Tails: "AAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!! I'm afraid of lightning! -Tails"
Hyper Metal Sonic: "Sonikku wa hitori dake. (There is only one Sonic.) -Hyper Metal Sonic"
Sonic: "My man, cool! -Sonic"
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