Boo To You Too Winnie the Pooh!
Release: October 26, 1996

Winnie the Pooh and friends get ready for Halloween but Piglet is too afraid to spend it.

Gopher: "(dressed as Rabbit) Trick or treat."
Rabbit: "Not now Gopher. And why are you dressed like a muskrat?"
Gopher: "Muskrat?"
Added By: JonharoldMeyer1996
Piglet: "(after boarding up his house) There. Now you're safe and sound."
Added By: JonharoldMeyer1996
Eeyore: "(looking at a costumed version of himself) Nice costume. You make a good yak."
Gopher: "(revealing himself) I'm not supposed to be some yakiting yakity yak!"
Added By: JonharoldMeyer1996
Winnie the Pooh: "Piglet. If you were I and I were you would you think my costume would bring me treats tonight? Namely honey?"
Added By: JonharoldMeyer1996
Tigger: "(after bouncing on Pooh.) Happy Halloweenen to you Pooh Boy! (purrs)"
Added By: JonharoldMeyer1996
Narrator: "Once each year as October breezes bluster there comes a most particular and most peculiar night. An anxious sort of night where the dark grows a little more so. A jittery sort of night with nothing as quite as it was. A night called Halloween."
Added By: JonharoldMeyer1996
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