The Miracle Maker
Release: March 31, 2000

Jesus of Nazareth is a skilled carpenter, with good trade connections. But he decides to quit everything and preach the word of God, as an itinerant preacher and faith healer. He attracts several followers who see him in different ways. Judas Iscariot dreams of a violent Jewish revolution against the Roman Empire. He sees Jesus as a potential leader of the revolution, and liberator of the Jews. Mary Magdalene is a mad woman, who has been suffering from hallucinations. She sees Jesus as the man who can relieve her suffering. Simon Peter is a disgruntled fisherman, loudly protesting against unjust taxation and the corruption of the tax collectors. For him Jesus offers something to believe in. Matthew is a corrupt tax collector with a guilty conscience. He seen in Jesus a chance to redeem to his sins. But as Jesus' message spreads, he is seen as a threat by monarch Herod Antipas and High Priest Caiaphas. In a visit to Jerusalem, Jesus' fate will eventually be decided by the Roman governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate.

Tribune: "It's true. It must be true. This man was a son of God."
Added By: funguy10
Jesus: "Father... into your hands I commend my spirit. It is finished!"
Added By: funguy10
John the Baptist: "This is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. I should be coming to be baptized by you."
Added By: funguy10
Lucifer: "I will give this authority and power and glory to you. Bow down before me, and it will all be yours."
Jesus: "No. It is written... in the Scriptures... you shall worship the Lord your God, and no one else shall you serve! No one!"
Added By: funguy10
Jairus: "Master, come with us. Sit by our fire."
Cleopas: "There are many things we don't understand."
Jesus: "I will come and talk to you Cleopas. I... I promise... Jairus... very soon and we... we will talk about many things."
Tamar: "Where are you going?"
Jesus: "You can't come with me now. But one day you will."
Tamar: " I don't want you to go"
Jesus: "Shh, shh don't be upset. Don't be afraid. In my Father's house there are so many rooms. So many. I'm going to find a wonderful place for you. One day, you will always be with me."
Added By: funguy10
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